Ghost Shark and Manta Ray might sound like characters from a future Marvel movie, but they represent a significant leap forward in Pacific naval defenses. These...
In recent months, Wall Street has witnessed a resurgence of interest in the virtual gaming platform, Roblox. While this may come as a surprise to some,...
In March, the entrepreneurial vision of Sohail Prasad materialized into the Destiny Tech100 fund, a venture poised to capitalize on the allure of technology titans like...
In the heart of Silicon Valley, a legal showdown is underway that could reshape the landscape of the tech industry. The trial, often dubbed as the...
Royan Nidea With a rapidly evolving technological landscape and changing consumer preferences, the online business holds immense potential to unleash. Businesses around the globe are constantly...
Samsung Electronics is anticipating a robust demand surge for artificial intelligence (AI), which is poised to tighten the supply of high-end chips, contributing to a solid...
In a strategic move to fortify domestic chipmaking capabilities, the Biden administration has pledged up to $6.4 billion in grants to South Korea’s tech giant, Samsung...
Microsoft is making a strategic move in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) by investing $1.5 billion in Abu Dhabi’s G42, an AI group that has...
In a significant move towards enhancing digital privacy, lawmakers have unveiled a comprehensive plan aimed at expanding protections for online users. The initiative, introduced by legislators,...
Under the condition of anonymity, the Federal Trade Commission is looking into TikTok’s data and security policies. For the social media network, which is already in...
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