Genre releases The Fallen EP, and makes everyone fall in love with his music. Virginia-born HIP-HOP/RAP Artist Genre releases his new EP “The Fallen”. It is...
DŸLN, a music artist from the West Coast, brings his new debut album “BoomTown” with the grooviest songs. Music can be interpreted in many ways....
V-Train keeps this light and serenading with his music and exceptional skills in creating lo-fi hip-hop music. Sometimes, the art of making music comes naturally...
Chad Wilson, an award-winning country music artist, releases a new song from his debut album with a video that hopes to bring suicide awareness to the...
John Engel, a singer, songwriter and filmmaker, is a multi-talented artist who will drown your troubles in his evergreen music. Rich musical notes played by...
Danjul brings music that reverts to the primitive extravagant way of the male pop scene with his hit song “Drama”. Pop music consists of...
Thelma C. Nance-Cunningham is bringing the grace of God to light with her music and lyrics that bring people closer to enlightenment. Writing songs, poetry,...
Hyooman, a band filled with talented individuals, is set to launch its new album “Pilot” on 24th June 2022. A band is made up of...
Najeem Ansary, a music artist from Las Vegas, Nevada, is on a mission to forge his name through his distinct sound/wordplay in the music industry. ...
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