The third season of “Hacks,” the Emmy-nominated comedy series on Max, presents an intriguing paradox. While the veteran comic Deborah Vance’s quest for a late-night TV...
As summer movies hit the big screens, the outcomes are falling short of expectations. Despite Hollywood’s hopes for a rebound after pandemic-related losses and the rise...
OpenAI announced on Tuesday the establishment of a new committee dedicated to advising the company’s board on matters of safety and security. This move comes just...
Saundra Glenn was already a fan of Coldplay’s frontman Chris Martin, and her admiration only grew after he gave her a lift. In an interview, Glenn,...
Some iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus owners may be eligible for a payout as part of a $35 million settlement. Owners of iPhone 7 and...
Nearly a decade after Charlize Theron’s portrayal in “Mad Max: Fury Road,” the franchise continues with George Miller’s latest installment, “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.” The...
Executives from major technology companies are expressing concerns that Europe’s newly proposed AI legislation might hinder innovation. The law, designed to regulate the development and deployment...
Superhero movies have seen better days at the box office, making an action-comedy based on a 1980s TV show an unlikely contender to kick off the...
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is taking initial steps toward implementing new rules that could mandate political ads on TV and radio to disclose the use...
Kevin Bacon fulfilled his promise to return to the Utah high school where his iconic 1984 film “Footloose” was filmed. Bacon visited Payson High School on...
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