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12 details about map that can rock your world



12 details about map that can rock your world

A photograph taken on July 20, 1969 by Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the most valuable to drag on the Moon. Pictured is the mission's lunar module, the Eagle, and spacesuited lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin unfurling a protracted sheet of foil in total identified as the Photo voltaic Wind Composition Experiment.

If you seek up on the stars, what develop you are taking into yarn? That we are going to be now no longer be by myself? The vastness of it all?

There is quite a bit to shock about map. The very fact is we fabricate now no longer know your total answers about it. We realize it be mammoth and handsome, but we’re now no longer truly decided how mammoth (or how handsome, for that matter).

One of the most valuable things we develop know, on the opposite hand, are downright mind-boggling. Beneath, we beget composed a pair of of the most unbelievable details about map, so in the occasion you seek up on the stars that you might maybe presumably honest even be ever more wowed by what you are taking a survey at.

1. Neutron stars can slide at a fee of 600 rotations per 2d

The smartly-known individual-studded center of the Milky Contrivance in direction of the constellation of Sagittarius.

Stress-free details about map: The spinning fee of neutron stars.
Credit score: Flickr / NASA Goddard Residence Flight Center

Neutron stars are definitely most definitely the most seemingly evolutionary stop-capabilities of excessive mass stars. They’re born in a core-cave in supernova smartly-known individual explosion and therefore rotate extremely mercurial as a of their physics. Neutron stars can rotate up to 60 cases per 2d after born. Beneath particular cases, this fee can extend to more than 600 cases per 2d.

Source: Swinburne College of Expertise Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing

2. Residence is fully restful

The intellectual southern hemisphere smartly-known individual RS Puppis, on the center of the image, is swaddled in a gossamer cocoon of reflective dust illuminated by the glittering smartly-known individual.

Residence fact: Or now no longer it is restful in map.
Credit score: Flickr / NASA Goddard Residence Flight Center

Sound waves want a medium to commute by. Since there might maybe be no such thing as a atmosphere in the vacuum of map, the realm between stars will continuously be eerily restful.

That mentioned, worlds with atmospheres and air tension develop allow sound to commute, therefore why there might maybe be a style of noise on Earth and likely other planets as successfully.

Source: NASA

3. There might maybe be an uncountable desire of stars in the identified universe

[SBW2007]  1, additionally identified as SBW1. A nebula with a gargantuan smartly-known individual at its center.

Frigid map fact: There are so, so, so many stars.
Credit score: Flickr / NASA Goddard Residence Flight Center

We in total fabricate now no longer beget any belief how many stars there are in the universe. Proper now we exercise our estimate of how many stars there are in our beget galaxy, the Milky Contrivance. We then multiply that quantity by the top guesstimate of the desire of galaxies in the universe. In spite of every thing that math, NASA can finest confidently bid that bid there all zillions of uncountable stars. A zillion is any uncountable quantity.

An Australian Nationwide College scrutinize put their estimate at 70 sextillion. Set one other method, that’s 70,000 million million million.

Sources: College of California at Santa Barbara ScienceLine

4. The Apollo astronauts’ footprints on the moon will potentially preserve there for a minimal of 100 million years

A photograph taken on July 20, 1969 by Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the most valuable to drag on the Moon. Pictured is the mission's lunar module, the Eagle, and spacesuited lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin unfurling a protracted sheet of foil in total identified as the Photo voltaic Wind Composition Experiment.

Stress-free fact about map: Neil Armstrong’s foot print are there to preserve.
Credit score: Flickr / NASA Goddard Residence Flight Center

For the reason that moon does no longer beget an atmosphere, there might maybe be no wind or water to erode or wash away the Apollo astronauts’ imprint on the moon. Which methodology their footprints, roverprints, spaceship prints, and discarded provides will preserve preserved on the moon for a extremely very long time.

They received’t preserve on there without a raze in sight, even supposing. The moon restful a dynamic ambiance. Or now no longer it is truly being continuously bombarded with “micrometeorites,” which methodology that erosion is restful going down on the moon, appropriate very slowly.


5. ninety nine percent of our photograph voltaic gadget’s mass is the solar

A corona mass ejection (CME), linked to a photograph voltaic flare, blowing out from appropriate all the method by the threshold of the Solar on Would possibly maybe maybe well well honest 1, 2013.

Residence fact: The solar is fully, REALLY heavy.
Credit score: Flickr / NASA Goddard Residence Flight Center

Our smartly-known individual, the solar, is so dense that it accounts for a whopping ninety nine percent of the mass of our total photograph voltaic gadget. That’s what permits it to dominate the final planets gravitationally.

Technically, our solar is a “G-form vital-sequence smartly-known individual” which methodology that every 2d, it fuses roughly 600 million a total bunch hydrogen to helium. It additionally converts about 4 million a total bunch matter to energy as a byproduct.

When the solar dies, it would change into a red big and envelop the Earth and every thing on it. But fabricate now no longer fear: That received’t happen for one other 5 billion years.

Source: The Ohio Impart College’s department of astronomy

6. More energy from the solar hits Earth every hour than the planet uses in a 300 and sixty five days

A photograph voltaic flare on the solar.

Stress-free map fact: There is a form of energy in the solar.
Credit score: Flickr / NASA Goddard Residence Flight Center

The usage of photograph voltaic energy has increased at a fee of 20 percent every 300 and sixty five days for the past 15 years. In response to Yale Environment 360, the arena added 30 percent more photograph voltaic energy capability in 2017, which methodology that 98.9 gigawatts of photograph voltaic energy used to be produced that 300 and sixty five days.

Regardless of seemingly substantial quantity, this quantity of energy finest accounts for 0.7 percent of the arena’s annual electricity usage.

Source: Yale Environment 360

7. If two objects of the same variety of metal touch in map, they’ll bond and be permanently caught together

In this composite characterize, seen-gentle observations by NASA's Hubble Residence Telescope are combined with infrared knowledge from the bottom-basically based Enormous Binocular Telescope in Arizona to assemble a dramatic glimpse of the successfully-identified Ring Nebula.

Stress-free map fact about metal in map.
Credit score: Flickr / NASA Goddard Residence Flight Center

This unbelievable enact regularly known as chilly welding. It occurs for the reason that atoms of the particular individual objects of metal fabricate now no longer beget any approach to vivid that they are different objects of metal, so the lumps join together.

This might maybe maybe now no longer happen on Earth because there might maybe be air and water keeping apart the objects. The enact has a form of implications for spacecraft development and the method forward for metal-basically based development in vacuums.

Source: Psychological Floss

8. The final notice asteroid in our photograph voltaic gadget is a sizable portion of map rock named Ceres

Hokusai crater on on Mercury.

Frigid map fact: This HUGE astroid used to be named Ceres.
Credit score: Flickr / NASA Goddard Residence Flight Center

The asteroid — which is every now and then identified as a dwarf planet — is nearly 600 miles in diameter. Or now no longer it is by a long way an extraordinarily unprecedented in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter and accounts for a total third of the belt’s mass. Ceres’ surface map is roughly equal to the land map of India or Argentina.

The uncrewed spacecraft Morning time accomplished up its mission orbiting Ceres in Oct. 2018, serving to us fully change into our realizing of the arena.

Source: NASA

9. Sooner or in a while Venus is longer than one 300 and sixty five days on Earth

Venus crossing the solar.

Frigid map fact: A day on Venus feels loooooong.
Credit score: AFP / Getty Photography

Venus has an especially gradual axis rotation that takes about 243 Earth days to total one full cycle. Silly ample, it takes Venus even less time in Earth days in insist to total one revolution all the method by the solar — 226 to be true.

Furthermore, the solar rises every 117 Earth days, which methodology that the solar will upward thrust finest two cases for the length of every and each 300 and sixty five days, which is additionally all technically in the same day. Since Venus additionally rotates clockwise, the solar will upward thrust in the west and field in the east.

Source: NASA

10. Jupiter’s Purple Web page online online is apprehensive

The skin of Jupiter, exhibiting its Purple Web page online online.

Stress-free map fact about Jupiter’s red field.
Credit score: UIG / Getty Photography

Jupiter’s successfully-known Purple Web page online online has been apprehensive all over the previous few many years. This field on the earth is a gargantuan spinning storm that susceptible in an effort to suit about three Earths. Now, finest one Earth can fit interior the sphere.

Interestingly ample, as the storm is apprehensive in width, it be truly rising taller in length. Scientists are restful stumped as to why this phenomenon is going on in the most valuable field, but some theorize that it is going to honest wish to develop with jet streams on Jupiter which beget both modified path or map.

Source: NASA

11. Opinion to be one of Saturn’s moons has a optimistic two-tone coloration

Saturn's moon Iapetus.

This fun map fact is all in regards to the Saturn moon Iapetus.
Credit score: Universal Photography Community / Getty Photography

Iapetus, definitely one of Saturn’s 62 moons, is fully a gorgeous difficult celestial object. This moon has a extremely optimistic two-tone coloration, with one facet be powerful darker than the opposite.

This phenomenal incidence is now no longer contemporary on any other moons in the Photo voltaic Gadget. Iapetus’ coloration has to develop with its field in relation to the relaxation of Saturn’s moons. Evidently Iapetus is method outdoors of Saturn’s rings, and attributable to this, it will get hit with a form of map particles from objects that shall be passing by its orbit, explaining the darkish areas, in keeping with Forbes.

Furthermore, one other moon Phoebe, which is fully darkish and farther out than Iapetus, revolves clockwise spherical Saturn and “emits a true circulation of particles.” Iapetus revolves counterclockwise, which methodology that finest one facet of Iapetus will get hit with the particles coming off of Phoebe after they revolve past each and each other. This explains why Iapetus is now no longer fully darkish, but finest in part.

Source: NASA

12. The field of the North Megastar will alternate over time

Infant stars

Frigid map fact: The North Megastar will trudge (at closing).
Credit score: UIG / Getty Photography

Navigation will be peculiar when Polaris stops being the North Megastar in about 13,000 years. If you happen to did no longer know, Earth’s axis goes by a motion known as “precession” which methodology that the planet’s axis will alternate, and trace out the form of a cone–even supposing it be a miniature.

When this occurs, it takes spherical 26,000 years for the axis to trace out a total cone shape. So that you can add to this, Polaris, the Earth’s contemporary “North Megastar” will at closing commence to shift positions as the Earth undergoes precession.

In 3,000 B.C., it be believed that the North Megastar used to be the smartly-known individual Thuban, otherwise identified as Alpha Draconis. In about 13,000 years, the smartly-known individual Vega might maybe be the modern North Megastar — but in 26,000 years, Polaris will return in its common field as the Earth continues to struggle by precession.

Source: Starchild, NASA

This fable used to be originally printed in 2014, and updated in 2018 and 2023.

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Sahil Sachdeva is the CEO of Level Up Holdings, a Personal Branding agency. He creates elite personal brands through social media growth and top tier press features.

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Tech Apocalypse: How a Global Outage Brought Businesses to Their Knees




Friday’s Global Software Outage Paralyzes Business, Healthcare, Tech, and Government Sectors in Less Than 12 Hours: Unraveling the Crash, Recovery Status, and Ongoing Impact


911 Centers and Transportation Services Plagued by Disruptions Late Thursday Night and Early Friday


Overnight from Thursday to Friday, 911 services in multiple states, including Alaska and Arizona, experience disruptions, while hospitals report technology issues, as observed by nurses on duty.


Between 2 and 3 a.m., the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grounds all Delta and American Airlines flights, followed shortly by United and Allegiant Airlines, due to a widespread outage.


Spirit Airlines confirms its flight reservation system is also impacted by the outage. Later, between 5 and 6 a.m., public transit systems in the Northeast, including Washington, DC, begin reporting delays, affecting trains and buses managed by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.


Meanwhile, in New York City, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority notes temporary disruptions in customer information systems, although train and bus services continue without interruption.


By 5:30 a.m., CrowdStrike, a prominent US cybersecurity firm, acknowledges software crashes affecting Microsoft Windows operating systems, crucial for blocking hacking threats for many Fortune 500 companies.


Between 6 and 7 a.m., the White House Launches Investigation as Global Banks Report Operational Issues

A spokesperson from the White House National Security Council told CNN they’re investigating an incident that happened, but they don’t think it was on purpose. Some big banks worldwide, like in Australia and South Africa, had problems with their services. In Portland, the mayor declared an emergency because the 911 system that handles emergency calls wasn’t working right. United Airlines said they’re starting to fly some planes again.


Between 8 and 9 a.m., flights begin again, but airports are preparing for a hectic day ahead.


Delta Air Lines has restarted some flights and offered travel waivers to affected passengers.


At Atlanta’s Hartsfield Jackson International Airport, systems are back online, and extra customer service staff are on hand to handle the challenges. Officials there are asking passengers to remain patient and understanding.


In Charlotte Douglas International Airport, a hub for American Airlines, travelers are advised to confirm their flight details before heading to the airport. Meanwhile, Miami International Airport officials caution that US Customs and Border Protection operations are slowed down, affecting international arrivals which are being processed manually.


From 9 a.m. to noon, federal agencies begin to take action, and President Biden receives a briefing on the situation.


Shortly before 9 a.m., Alaska State Troopers and the Phoenix Police Department announce that their 911 centers are operational again after experiencing disruptions.


Portland’s Computer Aided Dispatch system also resumes operations at 9 a.m. The mayor’s office assures the community that 911 services were never affected, and essential public safety services like Police and Fire & Rescue remain fully operational.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) acknowledges reports of a system outage affecting 911 services and is collaborating with federal agencies to assess the situation.


President Biden receives a briefing on the CrowdStrike outage and his team is coordinating with CrowdStrike and affected organizations. Federal agencies begin escalating their involvement and reporting disruptions.


The US Department of Homeland Security states it is working with CrowdStrike, Microsoft, and other partners to evaluate and address the outages.


Social Security offices close to the public due to anticipated longer wait times on their national 800 number.


The US Department of Justice acknowledges some impact from the outage and is implementing workarounds, although no estimated restoration time is provided.


UPS and FedEx report being affected, with UPS noting operational airlines and road deliveries, though delays are possible.


CrowdStrike’s CEO acknowledges the situation, clarifying it was not a cyber attack but an issue with a Falcon content update for Windows Hosts.


During late morning through early afternoon, appointments with doctors and at the DMV are cancelled.

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation informs that Registry of Motor Vehicle operations are affected, with similar impacts reported in Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee.


Simultaneously, multiple healthcare and hospital systems across the nation, including Mass General Brigham, Penn Medicine, Northwell Health, and Emory Healthcare, acknowledge being affected by the global outage. Some hospitals experience service delays while others cancel non-urgent surgeries and medical appointments. Cancer centers such as Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center adjust their schedules accordingly.


In British Columbia, the Provincial Health Services Authority announces their health system has also been impacted and they are implementing contingency plans to ensure patient care continues uninterrupted.


Later in the afternoon, further disruptions continue to affect medical services.

By around 4 p.m., the New York Blood Center, which supplies blood to about 200 hospitals in the Northeast, initiates an emergency driving operation to distribute blood due to delays in transporting test tubes by air.


Blood Centers of America, relying on shipping services like FedEx, also reports delays in test result reporting. They note that despite elective surgery cancellations reducing blood usage, ongoing delays could pose challenges if they persist.


Blood Assurance, serving hospitals across Southeast states, including Tennessee and Georgia, experiences postponed shipments of critical platelets due to flight disruptions caused by the outage. They appeal to the community for blood donations to meet demand.


CrowdStrike CEO Kurtz reaffirms commitment to transparency regarding the IT outage and pledges measures to prevent future incidents, as stated on the company’s website.


On Saturday morning, extensive delays affect numerous flights.


On Saturday morning, Microsoft states that the outage affected approximately 8.5 million Windows devices, which represents less than 1% of all Windows machines. Microsoft acknowledges that the widespread economic and societal impacts highlight the reliance of enterprises on CrowdStrike for critical services.


Various sectors continue to experience repercussions from the outage. Despite airlines largely resuming operations, they caution passengers to expect ongoing disruptions to flight schedules.


By noon on Saturday, FlightAware reports over 3,375 flights delayed and more than 1,200 canceled across the United States. Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the nation, remains heavily affected, with Delta Air Lines canceling over 500 flights and United Airlines canceling nearly 300 flights.


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X Under Fire: EU Alleges Misleading Practices by Elon Musk’s Company




European regulators have accused Elon Musk’s platform X of breaching the Digital Services Act, alleging the platform misleads users and engages in several other violations. 


Margrethe Vestager, a senior official at the European Commission, announced preliminary findings indicating that X fails to comply with transparency requirements. The platform allegedly uses “dark patterns” to deceive users, does not maintain an adequate ad repository, and restricts access to data for researchers.


The EU highlighted concerns over X’s verification system, stating it misleads users by allowing anyone to obtain a “verified” status. Evidence suggests that this blue check is being exploited by malicious actors to create confusion among users.


Should these preliminary findings be substantiated, X could face fines of up to 6% of its global annual revenue. 


Thierry Breton, another senior Commission official, remarked, “Blue checks used to signify trustworthy sources; now they mislead users and violate the DSA.”


The Digital Services Act, effective since August, prohibits “dark patterns,” which manipulate user choices regarding data sharing. This investigation follows inquiries initiated by EU officials last year amid rising concerns over Hamas-affiliated accounts on the platform after the October 7 attacks against Israel. 


The EU is also examining X’s content moderation practices to determine compliance with regulations against the spread of illegal content and misinformation.


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AI’s Unexpected Impact: Revolutionising Assistance for People with Disabilities




Matthew Sherwood, blind for over 15 years, juggles family life, a successful investing career, and relies on his guide dog, Chris, for navigation. Despite his achievements, everyday tasks like shopping remain challenging without assistance.


Traditionally, Sherwood has used the Be My Eyes app, connecting him with sighted volunteers via live video for tasks such as identifying clothing colors or checking expiration dates on groceries. However, advancements in AI technology are promising newfound independence.


In a groundbreaking partnership with OpenAI, Be My Eyes integrated AI capabilities to describe surroundings in real-time, reducing reliance on human volunteers. OpenAI’s demo showcased a user successfully hailing a taxi, guided precisely by the AI-powered app. Similarly, Google recently introduced comparable AI features in its “Lookout” app, aimed at aiding visually impaired users.


Major tech giants like Apple and Google have introduced a range of AI-driven tools designed to enhance the lives of people facing various challenges. These innovations include eye-tracking technology that allows physically disabled users to control their iPhones and detailed voice guidance on Google Maps for blind users.


Since the impressive launch of ChatGPT over a year ago, it’s become evident that AI is reshaping our world, transforming how we work, communicate, and perceive reality. However, for individuals with disabilities, AI represents a potential life-changing opportunity of a different magnitude.


Matthew Sherwood highlights this transformative potential: “In the past, blind individuals in business often relied on administrative assistants to read for them. Now, with AI, there’s a new level of empowerment… This technology isn’t just great; it’s an opportunity for blind individuals to gain employment, compete in business, and achieve success.


The Advantages of AI in Enhancing Accessibility


Over the years, tech companies have integrated early AI technologies into their products to enhance accessibility, such as automated closed captioning and screen readers. However, recent advancements in AI, driven by extensive datasets and powerful computing systems, are dramatically expanding possibilities in assistive technology.


For instance, developing AI tools that reliably assist blind individuals in hailing taxis requires sophisticated image recognition capabilities, which are refined through extensive training on vast datasets. Similarly, Google has enhanced its tool for blind and low-vision users by integrating generative AI technology, introducing features like a “question and answer” function to further improve accessibility.


Eve Andersson, Google’s senior director of product inclusion, equity, and accessibility, emphasized that while the promise of AI has been recognized for years, its recent advancements in quality are pivotal for integration into products. Generative AI tools are particularly promising in accessibility applications because they excel in understanding and generating information in diverse formats like text, audio, photos, and videos. This versatility enables AI to serve as a bridge, converting, for example, audio content into written text for users with hearing impairments.


Andersson pointed out, “Accessibility needs vary widely, but many disabilities involve how individuals perceive information—whether it’s related to hearing, vision, motor skills, speech, or cognitive abilities. AI excels in translating between different modes of information, making it invaluable for addressing these diverse needs.”


Creating AI Systems that Foster Inclusivity

Ongoing investment is crucial to ensuring that AI systems effectively cater to diverse user needs. Given that AI models learn from human-generated data, concerns have been raised about their potential to perpetuate biases observed in society. Early instances have highlighted issues such as AI image generators struggling with racial concepts or algorithms displaying gender-biassed job advertisements.


To mitigate these risks, a coalition of major tech companies including Apple, Google, and Microsoft, has collaborated with researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Together, they are developing a comprehensive training dataset for AI speech recognition tools that encompasses a wide range of speech patterns. This initiative, known as the Speech Accessibility Project, involves gathering recordings from volunteers affected by conditions like Parkinson’s, Down Syndrome, and ALS, which can impact speech.


Through this effort, which has amassed over 200,000 recordings to date, researchers have enhanced the accuracy of a sample speech recognition tool. Initially prone to misunderstanding speech 20% of the time, it now does so only 12% of the time following training on the diverse dataset. This progress underscores the importance of inclusive data practices in developing AI technologies that serve all users effectively.


Clarion Mendes, a speech language pathologist and clinical assistant professor leading the project, underscores the importance of incorporating diverse speech patterns into machine learning systems. According to Mendes, this inclusivity is crucial for improving the systems’ ability to understand individuals beyond those with standard speech patterns typically found in audiobooks.


Mendes also highlights the profound impact of assistive technology on individuals facing communication barriers, noting that many highly qualified individuals struggle to secure employment due to these challenges. Assistive technologies can significantly enhance independence by reducing reliance on others and streamlining tasks, thereby enabling individuals to engage more fully in hobbies and professional endeavours.


Eve Andersson further emphasises the business rationale behind investing in AI for accessibility, noting that inclusivity not only aligns with ethical imperatives but also opens up opportunities to serve diverse markets, including government and educational institutions. She stresses that technology has the potential to level the playing field, ensuring that everyone can benefit from its advancements.

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Meta’s ‘Pay or Consent’ Model Sparks European Law Controversy




Last year, Meta introduced a service named ‘Subscription for no ads,’ offering European users of Facebook and Instagram an ad-free experience for up to €12.99 ($14) per month. Alternatively, users could opt for versions with personalized ads.

On Monday, the European Commission preliminarily criticized this binary choice, arguing it coerces users into consenting to the use of their personal data without providing a less personalized but equivalent alternative.

If the Commission’s findings hold, Meta could face a fine up to 10% of its global annual revenue under the Digital Markets Act, potentially totaling $13.5 billion based on 2023 results. Meta, however, contests these allegations, asserting its service aligns with European legal precedent and complies with the DMA.

This announcement follows the Commission’s recent accusations against Apple for allegedly violating the DMA by restricting app developers from directing consumers to lower-cost alternatives. Alphabet, parent company of Google, is also under investigation.

The DMA, effective since March, mandates that dominant online platforms, termed gatekeepers, offer users more choices and create fairer conditions for competition. These platforms commonly gather personal data across their services and third-party sources for digital advertising purposes.

In a recent statement, Margrethe Vestager, the European Commissioner overseeing competition policy, expressed concerns over Meta’s extensive collection of personal data from millions of EU citizens spanning several years. She emphasized the need to empower citizens by enabling them to control their data and opt for less personalized advertising experiences.

Michael Koenig, a senior official at the Commission, emphasized that Meta should provide users with an alternative to fully personalized ads that does not rely on personal data, ensuring a less personalized but still available option. He suggested Meta could maintain a third option of ad-free subscriptions or a fourth option with premium features.

The Commission plans to conclude its investigation into Meta by late March of the following year.


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Abu Dhabi’s Ambitious Ascent: From Oil Wealth to AI Leadership, Partnering with the US Marks Just the Beginning




Abu Dhabi, known for its vast oil reserves, is aggressively pursuing a leadership role in artificial intelligence (AI) under the guidance of Omar Al Olama, the world’s first minister dedicated to AI strategy. Recently, Microsoft’s $1.5 billion investment in G42, an AI group chaired by a prominent member of the ruling family, underscored the UAE’s alignment with US interests amid global tech supremacy struggles.

The move is seen as a strategic maneuver by the Biden administration to counter China’s influence in the region. G42, a conglomerate spanning sectors like data centers, healthcare, and biotechnology, is pivotal to Abu Dhabi’s economic diversification plans, aiming to reduce oil dependency. By 2030, AI initiatives could contribute $96 billion to the UAE economy, nearly 14% of its GDP.

Minister Olama, overseeing digital economy and remote work applications, aims to position the UAE as a global AI leader by 2031, emphasizing collaboration with international partners to navigate market dynamics effectively.

The UAE has embarked on a comprehensive national strategy to achieve its AI ambitions, focusing on key sectors like energy and logistics. Central to this strategy is the development of a robust AI ecosystem and the attraction of top global talent. The country has initiated AI training programs for public officials, while Dubai aims to educate one million citizens in prompt engineering, enhancing AI model capabilities to deliver superior results.

By September, the number of people engaged in AI and related industries in the Gulf country surged to 120,000, up from 30,000 just two years earlier, as highlighted by Minister Al Olama.


Taking Stands

In navigating its international relations, the UAE has often prioritized its alliance with the US over relations with Washington’s competitors. Earlier this year, a US Congressional committee urged the Commerce Department to investigate G42’s alleged ties to Chinese military and intelligence entities, although G42 denied any such connections. In response to US concerns, G42, backed by a significant Microsoft investment, shifted away from Chinese hardware suppliers like Huawei to collaborate with US firms.

Minister Olama acknowledged the US stance, stating, “The US makes it clear that ‘choosing sides’ is necessary in certain technologies.” Historically, the UAE has maintained a delicate balance in its foreign policy, collaborating closely with the US on defense while also engaging with other global partners.

The Biden administration, emphasizing AI’s critical role in economic and national security, has enacted stringent measures, including export controls on AI and semiconductor technologies, aimed at curbing China’s progress in these fields.


The US government has taken steps to control the flow of advanced semiconductor technology to prevent China from accessing the latest AI capabilities through Middle Eastern nations, Reuters reported. Nvidia, a major player in the industry, disclosed in an August 2023 filing that it was notified by US authorities about additional licensing requirements for its products in certain Middle Eastern countries.

In response to the partnership between G42 and Microsoft, some US lawmakers have expressed concerns about potential vulnerabilities of American technology to Chinese espionage in the UAE. Despite these concerns, Minister Olama reassured that the UAE remains a trustworthy partner. He emphasized the presence of cutting-edge American technology within the UAE while speaking in his personal capacity, emphasizing the nation’s commitment to responsible use and collaboration in AI advancement.


Embracing Technological Leadership

Abu Dhabi’s Technology Innovation Institute made waves in late 2023 with the launch of Falcon10B, a cutting-edge large language model (LLM) that surpassed offerings from tech giants like Google and Meta in certain benchmarks. According to James Lewis from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Falcon solidifies the UAE’s competitive stance in the global AI race.

Further enhancing its AI capabilities, a collaboration involving Abu Dhabi’s Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, Cerebras Systems from Silicon Valley, and Inception of G42 introduced Jais in October 2023. This generative AI model is bilingual, trained in Arabic and English, with potential applications for developing LLMs in other languages currently underrepresented in mainstream AI.

Setting themselves apart from closed platforms like ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini, Falcon and Jais are open-source, making their code accessible for modification and use by anyone. Abu Dhabi’s decision to open-source these technologies not only underscores its commitment to technological inclusivity but also positions it as a supportive partner for developing nations lacking the resources to develop their own AI tools.


Minister Olama emphasizes the UAE’s commitment to developing AI systems for countries that lack the capacity to do so independently. This initiative aims to foster global accessibility to advanced technology.

Some analysts view the UAE’s substantial oil wealth as pivotal in funding extensive AI infrastructure, positioning the nation as a future tech leader. James Lewis underscores the financial advantage this affords them.

In response to rising concerns over AI risks, Olama advocates for an international coalition to regulate AI development and usage. Highlighting the potential threats, a US State Department report warned of extreme risks posed by advanced AI systems, prompting global attention.

Olama expresses specific concerns about deepfakes leading to truth and political crises, as well as the potential misuse of AI in biotechnology weapons. While cautious about alarmism, he stresses the need for robust safeguards against such risks.

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TikTok Intensifies Criticism Against Biden Administration Amid Potential Ban




TikTok Steps Up Legal Battle Against US Government Over Potential Ban

In a recent legal move, TikTok has escalated its confrontation with the Biden administration regarding a law that could lead to its ban in the US. The social media giant argues, through a court filing, that forcing it to find a new owner could isolate American users on a content ‘island’, disconnected from global TikTok content. TikTok revealed details of a draft agreement with the US government aimed at addressing national security concerns, which the company claims was discarded in favor of legislation it believes violates First Amendment rights.

The filing represents TikTok’s initial strategy in what could be a pivotal case affecting the app’s future and broader implications for online free speech. TikTok asserts that divesting from its Chinese parent company ByteDance by the 2025 deadline, as mandated by the law signed by President Biden, is not feasible technologically, commercially, or legally.

Furthermore, TikTok contends that the challenged legislation prohibits necessary data-sharing agreements that would allow US users access to international TikTok content. This argument is echoed by a group of TikTok content creators who argue that the law restricts their ability to express themselves freely, impacting their First Amendment rights.

Central to TikTok’s defense is the revelation of the draft agreement with the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), highlighting it as a less restrictive alternative that could have met national security goals without resorting to divestiture or a ban. TikTok claims the agreement was never finalized despite extensive negotiations and meetings with US officials.

The filing also includes details of ‘Project Texas’, TikTok’s plan to segregate US user data, with provisions allowing US government oversight to ensure compliance with security measures. TikTok asserts it has already invested $2 billion in implementing these safeguards.

The legal battle underscores TikTok’s stance against allegations of compromising user data to the Chinese government, which US officials have raised concerns about in closed-door briefings. TikTok denies these claims and criticizes the legislative process as flawed and rushed.

As the case unfolds, the outcome could shape not only TikTok’s future in the US but also set precedents for how digital platforms navigate national security and free speech challenges in the future.

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Temporary Pause: McDonald’s Halts AI Drive-Thru Ordering




McDonald’s affirms IBM as a valued partner but hints at exploring alternative AI providers following a temporary halt in AI drive-thru ordering at their global locations.

In 2021, McDonald’s and IBM joined forces to introduce Automated Order Taking (AOT) technology as part of McDonald’s growth strategy, “Accelerating the Arches.” This initiative aimed to simplify and expedite the ordering process for customers and restaurant teams alike. IBM praised AOT for its advanced capabilities, citing its speed and accuracy as standout features that enhance efficiency in demanding operational environments.

The partnership highlighted a commitment to innovation in the quick-service industry, positioning McDonald’s at the forefront of technology adoption. By integrating AOT technology, McDonald’s aimed to improve overall service quality and customer experience across its global chain of restaurants, reinforcing its dedication to meeting evolving consumer expectations.

“While McDonald’s is revaluating and refining its plans for AOT, we look forward to continuing to work with them on a variety of other projects,” IBM said in a statement.

McDonald’s reassures that its AI endeavours are ongoing, with plans to assess sustainable voice-ordering solutions by the close of 2024.

According to David Henkes, senior principal and head of strategic partnerships at Technomic, AI is poised to play a crucial role in enhancing restaurant automation and efficiency, although its capabilities are still developing. McDonald’s exemplifies both the potential benefits and current limitations of AI technology.

Beyond McDonald’s, other fast-food chains are also exploring AI innovations. For instance, White Castle tested an automated drive-thru ordering system in 2021, while Wendy’s expanded its collaboration with Google Cloud to introduce its own AI-powered ordering tool last year.

Despite enthusiasm from these companies to integrate AI into their operations, challenges persist. Issues such as inaccuracies in order processing, attributed to difficulties in accent recognition and distinguishing voices from background noise, underscore the technology’s ongoing evolution.

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Reviving iPhone Cool: Apple’s Golden Opportunity Today




Apple Faces Crucial Moment to Revitalise iPhone Sales Amidst AI Evolution”

Apple has faced a four-year drought in compelling reasons for customers to upgrade their iPhones since introducing 5G with the iPhone 12. This trend has slowed sales growth, a critical concern for the tech giant heavily reliant on iPhone revenue. The longer upgrade cycles have been particularly challenging, exacerbated by fierce competition in China and legal battles over antitrust issues.

At its upcoming Worldwide Developer Conference, Apple plans to unveil new artificial intelligence features that could reinvigorate its products and bring it back into the competitive AI landscape. The iPhone, pivotal to Apple’s strategy, stands to benefit significantly from these advancements.

Despite ongoing challenges, Apple remains a formidable force in the tech industry, boasting substantial iPhone earnings and a resilient stock performance. Analysts stress that rejuvenating iPhone sales is vital for sustaining Apple’s growth trajectory, emphasising the need for compelling reasons to entice consumers to adopt the upcoming iPhone 16.

Investors are closely watching Apple’s ability to assert itself in the evolving AI field, especially as competitors like Nvidia and Microsoft advance their AI-powered offerings. The outcome of Apple’s strategic moves at this juncture will likely shape its standing as a technology leader moving forward

Eagerly Anticipating the AI-Enhanced iPhone

For years, Apple has quietly integrated AI into its products, enhancing user experiences in subtle yet impactful ways. Now, Apple is poised to unveil its most user-focused AI updates yet.

Expected to be announced on Monday, these updates are anticipated to include new generative AI features for iOS, particularly enhancing Siri’s capabilities. This could enable Siri to perform tasks like retrieving old photos or answering detailed queries about weather, news, or trivia. Over time, Siri could personalise responses based on user preferences and even learn their personality traits.

Drawing from trends in AI integration by competitors, Apple may also introduce additional tools such as email summarization or drafting assistance

Traditionally, Apple has prioritised delivering a premium user experience rather than being the first to introduce new technologies. Now, there’s heightened anticipation for Apple to impress consumers with features that surpass those offered by competitors like Samsung and Microsoft.

Beyond the features themselves, the main question at WWDC is which Apple devices will support these advancements: Will the new AI tools be available on older iPhones, or restricted to upcoming models launching in the fall, possibly due to hardware requirements like new chips or faster processors?

If these features are exclusive to newer devices, it could potentially drive a significant upgrade cycle for iPhones, influencing Apple’s overall performance. Analysts suggest that lacklustre features or widely available AI capabilities on older iPhones could negatively impact Apple’s stock, while compelling new technology prompting upgrades in the fall could lead to substantial gains.

The critical factor lies in whether Apple can deliver compelling innovations that encourage users to upgrade, potentially marking a pivotal moment akin to their last significant surge in upgrade activity four years ago.

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Pope Francis Advocates for Church’s Role in Global AI Discussions



Last year, a manipulated image of Pope Francis wearing a trendy white puffer jacket caused a stir online, sparking discussions about his fashion choices and speculation about the involvement of a stylist. However, the image was revealed to be a ‘deep fake,’ generated using artificial intelligence.

This week, Pope Francis is set to address the pivotal topic of artificial intelligence at the G7 summit in southern Italy’s Puglia region. His participation marks a historic moment as he becomes the first pope to engage in discussions at this level, specifically focusing on AI during a dedicated session. Notably, US President Joe Biden, who shares a close rapport with the pontiff, is expected to attend the summit.

At 87 years old, Pope Francis is committed to leveraging the influence of his position to advocate for the ethical development of AI, emphasising its potential to benefit humanity while cautioning against the emergence of unforeseen dangers akin to a modern-day ‘Frankenstein’s monster.’

Drawing from his background in chemistry, the pope welcomes advancements in science and technology, recognizing the promising opportunities AI presents. However, he also remains vigilant about the potential serious risks it may pose.

In a recent communication, Pope Francis issued a cautionary message about the potential emergence of a ‘technological dictatorship’ if proper regulations are not established, particularly emphasising concerns regarding AI-controlled weaponry and the risk of technology being exploited for surveillance and election interference. Stressing the importance of AI serving the ‘common good’ and not exacerbating inequalities, the pontiff has advocated for an ethical framework in its development and application.

The Vatican, through its Pontifical Academy for Life, has been actively promoting the ‘Rome Call for AI Ethics,’ a set of principles including transparency, inclusion, responsibility, and impartiality. Major tech firms like Microsoft, IBM, and Cisco Systems, alongside international organisations and religious leaders, have endorsed this initiative.

At the upcoming G7 summit, Pope Francis is expected to rally global leaders towards collaborative efforts in AI regulation, echoing his previous call for an ‘international treaty’ to curb harmful AI practices. While the European Union has passed legislation in this regard, bipartisan efforts in the United States signal a growing momentum towards federal regulation.

Father Paolo Benanti, a key figure in Vatican discussions on AI, underscores the pope’s focus on the societal impacts of technology, particularly its implications for inequality and misinformation. With a global perspective, Pope Francis recognizes disparities in technology access and aims to address these issues alongside broader humanitarian challenges such as migration and climate change.

According to Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, international regulation is crucial to effectively address the misuse and manipulation of emerging technologies like AI. The Pontifical Academy for Life’s advocacy for ethical AI aims to promote sustainable development for humanity as a whole.


Italy, currently holding the G7 presidency, imposed a temporary ban on ChatGPT due to privacy concerns and plans to enforce penalties for AI misuse. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni believes Pope Francis’ participation in the summit will significantly contribute to establishing an ethical and cultural framework for AI regulation. Meloni emphasises the importance of integrating ethical considerations into algorithmic development, citing the ‘Rome Call for AI Ethics’ as a pivotal step towards fostering ‘algorethics’.

Father Antonio Spadaro, a papal adviser, remarked that Pope Francis’ participation in the G7 summit reflects his commitment to engaging in meaningful dialogues where significant decisions are made. By attending the summit in Puglia, the pope aims to engage directly with policymakers, demonstrating his vision of an actively involved Church in worldly affairs.

Father Philip Larrey, an AI expert and former dean, views Pope Francis’ decision to attend the summit as unexpected yet influential. Larrey anticipates the pope’s presence will have a significant impact on the summit’s outcomes, highlighting the pope’s role as a catalyst for meaningful discussions.

Pope Francis is closely monitoring developments in AI and emerging technologies, seeking to leverage the depth of Catholic tradition to address their ethical implications. His active involvement, notably his presence at the G7 summit, underscores the urgency of his message. Francis advocates for ‘person-centred AI,’ emphasising the need for ethical considerations in technological advancement.

The infamous ‘deep fake’ incident, where an AI-generated image of the pope went viral, highlighted the potential for technology to manipulate visuals. Francis has addressed this issue, warning against the spread of false information and acknowledging his own experiences as a target of such manipulation.

Recognizing AI as a pivotal aspect of the current era’s transformation, Francis aims for the Church to play a central role in shaping discussions around its development. He believes in ensuring that new technologies serve the greater good of humanity.

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Apple’s Highly Anticipated Unveiling: The Next Big Innovation




Apple stands at the brink of what could be one of its most pivotal moments in recent history, as it confronts a barrage of challenges on multiple fronts. The company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference, slated to commence on Monday, is widely anticipated to herald a significant partnership with OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, and introduce a suite of groundbreaking generative AI tools integrated into its mobile operating system.

This strategic foray into AI holds immense potential to catalyze growth in iPhone sales and services for the foreseeable future, particularly as consumers increasingly defer device upgrades amidst economic uncertainty, compounded by lingering effects of the pandemic, particularly in markets like China. Concurrently, Apple finds itself navigating regulatory scrutiny in the United States, exacerbated by recent shifts in market dynamics that saw chip maker Nvidia surpass it as the nation’s second-largest publicly traded company.

Apple’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Cook, hinted at the impending AI initiative during the company’s latest earnings call, underscoring its strategic significance and positioning within the broader technological landscape. While Apple traditionally adopts a cautious approach to integrating emerging technologies, the rapid proliferation of generative AI is seemingly accelerating its timeline, compelling the company to maintain its competitive edge in the smartphone market.

Anticipation is rife regarding the nomenclature of Apple’s AI endeavor, rumored to be christened “Apple Intelligence” and set to be accessible exclusively on select devices such as the iPhone 15 Pro or those equipped with an M1 chip or newer iterations. Speculation abounds regarding the potential enhancements AI could bring to Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, by leveraging OpenAI’s latest ChatGPT-4o model to imbue it with advanced conversational capabilities akin to those of a chatbot.

Beyond Siri, generative AI holds promise for revolutionizing various facets of Apple’s ecosystem, potentially augmenting user experiences across core applications like Apple Maps, iMovie, and iPhoto. Analysts anticipate Apple’s unveiling to spotlight on-device AI’s manifold benefits, emphasizing its seamless integration into daily routines while elucidating the company’s long-term vision for AI-driven innovation.

Crucially, Apple’s purported collaboration with OpenAI could be pivotal in shaping its AI trajectory, representing a concerted effort to harness external expertise in advancing its technological prowess. However, such partnerships entail inherent risks, potentially impinging on Apple’s autonomy in product development and its unwavering commitment to data privacy and security.

As Apple embarks on this transformative journey into AI, it remains steadfast in its commitment to consumer privacy and security, underscoring the imperative of responsible AI deployment amidst mounting concerns over its ethical implications. Moreover, the company is expected to provide updates on its Vision Pro mixed reality headset, positioning AI as a cornerstone of its immersive experiences strategy aimed at unlocking new frontiers in enterprise adoption.

Ultimately, Apple’s bold foray into generative AI underscores its unwavering commitment to innovation, poised to redefine the future of human-computer interaction while navigating the complex interplay of technological advancement and societal impact.

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