Satyam Mishra’s entrepreneurial journey is a compelling narrative of resilience and ingenuity. His early years were marked by a deep fascination with technology. Despite the challenges...
In the vibrant city of Hyderabad, Shridhar Mamidalaa is redefining the architectural landscape with his innovative use of algorithms and advanced technology. As a modern architect...
In the heart of Pune, a transformative force in event management is redefining college party culture. Massive Takeover, founded by Ranveer Singh and Tanmay Sethi,...
Vice President Kamala Harris Energized by Young Pop Stars on TikTok A recent Harris campaign video on the platform, featuring Chappell Roan’s hit “Femininomenon” from her...
Nearly a week ago, a tragic incident occurred at a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. Gunfire erupted, resulting in injuries to...
Saket Kumar Choudhary, a 20-year-old cyber security prodigy from Darbhanga, Bihar, has made remarkable strides in the realm of computer science and cyber security. With an...
Raja Pillai, based in Hyderabad, is a dedicated and passionate storyteller renowned for his ability to weave intricate and heartfelt narratives that delve deep into the...
Hashim Saifi, the visionary founder of Saifify, a leading 360-degree digital marketing and social media marketing agency, has achieved extraordinary success at the young age of...
Hhridesh Mishra, a dynamic music producer known for his innovative approach and distinct style, has carved a niche in the competitive realm of music production. With...
Isha Gangrade, an accomplished author based in Chennai, has captivated readers with her profound exploration of Indian mythology and historical fiction. Her debut book, “King Raavan:...
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