Health & Wellness

Top 5 Health Coaches Absolutely Winning 2021



Medicine and health are ever-evolving topics that focus on promoting longer and happier lives. While doctors and health specialists work tirelessly to make their patients free from diseases, health coaches also play a pivotal role in inculcating sound mental and physical health for people. These coaches help their clients overcome several issues related to current and past medical complications, maintain weight, prevent stress and unhealthy habits, transform living, etc. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, health coaches have raked in more attention as the importance of being fit in life is realized around the globe.


Coaches motivate and seep into the psychology of their clients to find holistic and holistic ways to improve their overall health issues and help them in physical awakening. This transforms your outlook on life and instills positivity in it. Health coaches are industrious and are dedicated to bringing solutions for their patients with an understanding of all the factors, which certainly isn’t an easy task, here is the pick for the top 5 health coaches who are absolutely winning in 2021.


Chris Lubrano









Christophe Lubrano Manzanares, aka “Chris Manzano” from Toulon, France, is a certified personal and physical trainer. He has bagged 2 gold medals at both national and international levels as a French Men’s Physique athlete. His positive energy inspires people to grow, and breakthrough any barriers in their path to success. He is the creator of Alpha coaching, an online French/English coaching service mainly for people who want to improve their health, their physical abilities, lose weight, or compete as athletes. His rules to excel in life include discipline, mental and emotional control, and unwavering devotion towards life goals. His coaching program focuses on building a physique from A to Z according to the different morphologies of each person. He finds the perfect diet taking into account the tastes and eating habits of each person, elaborates healthy and succulent recipes to prove that when losing weight or gaining muscle mass, you can still enjoy while achieving goals. Chris helps people surpass themselves and become the best version of themselves.


Instagram- Chris Lubrano



Wade Critides Critides









Wade Critides Critides is a health coach. He is dedicated to helping people live their best lives by the inculcation of health habits. He is also a passionate serial entrepreneur who has multiple successful ventures with his wife, Sandy. When his wife faced unfortunate health issues, the couple started the 30-day healthy living program, which rocked the health coaching world! Their health and wellness program is based on the network marketing business model, which helps people thrive while positively impacting society. Since the business is online, the Covid-19 pandemic and the accompanying health predicaments initiated a boom in the business. Wade’s energy is magnetic. He believes in developing a personal brand that is eccentric and true. A company only thrives when the face behind it portrays the missions and goals. He is on the path to making multiple eight figures businesses with his wife and showing the world how couples can create a solid bond in both life and work. Look out for his health/wellness products and tips to lead a healthy life!


Instagram – Wade Critides Critides



Risto Dimitrov









Risto Dimitrov from Macedonia is the general manager of Pump Fitness Oman, a Martial artist and coach, a professional MMA fighter, a judo black belt, and a marathon & spartan race competitor. In addition to his fitness endeavors and achievements, he is also the brand ambassador for Gatorade. He is the epitome of a healthy lifestyle and inspires others to make decisions that include fitness as a mandatory factor. He and his partners have created the first mobile gym that delivers the best workout experience to people, even during the pandemic. He is also a professional MMA belt holder which is the reflection of his passion for Martial Arts, Health, and Fitness. His brand Pump Fitness has the best training equipment, motivating trainers, and one-of-a-kind service that you will swoon over. He is adamant to inculcate a fitness freak in everyone and transform their lives. He lives life by the quote, “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” — Hippocrates


Instagram- Risto Dimitrov


James Motyka









James Motyka is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner, Doctor of Pharmacy candidate (class of 2022) who is soon to be certified as a Functional Medicine Specialist and healthcare strategist. He is also the founder of FuncRoot Solutions, the company that helps men and women unlock their potential and achieve spiritual, mental, and health goals via emerging holistic health techniques. He digs deep into the history of his client’s health issues and identifies where the problem lies while creating an all-inclusive protocol to help them achieve their health goals. In early 2021, James struggled with fatigue and caffeine dependence, James identified hormonal imbalances with lab testing and created a personalized protocol to restore his energy levels and rebalance his hormones. James now has abundant energy without the need for caffeine. Finding solutions that are a limitation in the eyes of our conventional medical system stimulated his passion for using lifestyle and functional medicine to achieve optimal health. His brainchild FuncRoot uses functional medicine lab testing to identify root causes of fatigue, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances, and rebalance the body through effective biohacks and promoting a healthy lifestyle
Instagram- James Motyka


Bryan Perez









Bryan Perez from Long Island, New York, is a health coach of the program that promotes healthy habits in a lifestyle. He aims to help individuals with health coaching, encouraging people to garner optimal health by making them aware of its benefits, bringing a goal-driven community together, and creating a nutrition plan that fulfills 80% of the food needed for the day. The Habits Of Health program has been around for 20 years, and its undisputed health practices have helped over 1 million people. Bryan has personally transformed the lives of 100 individuals through this program. He has always been passionate about fitness and health and has channeled that flame to create a business that puts a stop to a life of unhealthy habits. This model also helped his wife Gabi optimize her life, and this was the kickstart for the combined health coaching business of the couple which they run as partners. Bryan prefers consistency over perfection and believes that with hard work, any goal is achievable. 


Facebook- Bryan Perez 



Health coaching is a rising industry, and these coaches are driven to help you achieve your goals, much like a personal cheerleader, pushing you towards greatness. If you are on social media, you must have known one of these top 5 health coaches already! So be on the lookout for them as you also embark on a journey of being mentally and physically fit.

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