Health & Wellness

Reduce Biological Aging : 8 Heart-Healthy Habits That May Slow Aging by 6 Years



Recent findings, disclosed at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023, unveil a compelling prospect: the potential to adopt specific heart-healthy habits that may significantly reduce biological aging. Emerging from a comprehensive study on the impact of the “Life’s Essential 8” checklist, there’s a suggestion that individuals adhering to these practices could experience a notable slowdown in the aging process by an average of six years. Nevertheless, it is crucial to await the peer-reviewed publication of these findings for comprehensive validation within the scientific community.

While the study’s results are promising, it’s crucial to await peer-reviewed publication for comprehensive validation and broader acceptance within the scientific community.

Life’s Essential 8 Checklist to Reduce Biological Aging

A. Definition and components of the checklist

The “Life’s Essential 8” checklist to reduce biological aging comprises fundamental lifestyle factors crucial for heart health and overall well-being.

  1. Getting good sleep
  2. Abstaining from smoking
  3. Regular physical activity
  4. Healthy diet
  5. Maintaining a healthy weight
  6. Healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels
  7. Keeping blood pressure in the normal range

Importance of working with healthcare providers in conjunction with checklist adherence

Adhering to the “Life’s Essential 8” checklist for heart-healthy habits is vital, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with healthcare providers. This partnership ensures personalized strategies aligned with individual health needs, fostering effective implementation of the checklist. Working in conjunction with healthcare professionals not only enhances adherence but also allows for continuous monitoring, adjustment, and guidance. The synergistic approach facilitates a holistic and tailored wellness journey, maximizing the potential benefits of heart-healthy habits in reducing biological aging by promoting overall cardiovascular health.

Study Methodology

A. Presentation of the study at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023

The study, presented at the 2023 Scientific Sessions, focused on evaluating cardiovascular health and its impact on biological aging.

B. Measurement of cardiovascular health based on adherence to the Life’s Essential 8 checklist

Participants were assessed on how well they adhered to the “Life’s Essential 8” checklist, with higher adherence associated with better cardiovascular health.

C. Calculation of phenotypic age to assess biological aging

Phenotypic age, a measure reflecting the physiological age of an individual, was calculated to gauge the impact of heart-healthy habits on aging.

D. Categorization of participants into high, moderate, or low cardiovascular health groups

Participants were classified into groups based on their adherence to the checklist, enabling a comparative analysis of biological aging.

E. Comparison of chronological age vs. biological age for individuals with high and low cardiovascular health

Findings revealed that those with high cardiovascular health exhibited a biological age six years younger on average than their chronological age.

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Findings from the Study

A. Individuals with high cardiovascular health

  1. Physiologically younger than chronological age
  2. Average chronological age: 41; biological age: 36

B. Individuals with low cardiovascular health

  1. Aging faster than expected
  2. Average chronological age: 53; biological age: 57

C. Association between the highest Life’s Essential 8 score and a biological age six years younger on average

The study demonstrated a clear correlation between higher adherence to the “Life’s Essential 8” checklist and a significantly younger biological age.

Biological Aging Explanation

A. Definition of biological aging by Moshe Szyf, PhD

Biological aging, as defined by Moshe Szyf, PhD, involves age-related alterations in gene function that contribute to physiological changes.

B. Influence of age-related alterations in gene function on physiological changes

Changes in gene function, influenced by a combination of genetics, lifestyle, environment, and social factors, play a pivotal role in the pace of aging.

C. Connection between changes and epigenetic modifications, specifically DNA methylation

Epigenetic modifications, particularly DNA methylation, serve as a key link between environmental factors and gene expression, shaping the process of biological aging.

D. Introduction of the concept of an “epigenetic clock” as a reflection of health state

The “epigenetic clock” concept reflects the dynamic relationship between epigenetic modifications and overall health, serving as a measure of biological aging.

E. The role of genetics, lifestyle, environment, and social influences in the pace of aging

Aging is a multifaceted process influenced by genetics, lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and social determinants.

Slowing Down Biological Aging

A. Lifestyle factors influencing gene programming through epigenetic mechanisms

Healthy habits, including diet, sleep, and exercise, can positively influence gene programming, potentially slowing down the epigenetic clock.

B. The impact of habits such as diet, sleep, and exercise on modifying epigenetic programs

Ongoing research is exploring how specific lifestyle choices modify epigenetic programs, providing insights into effective strategies for slowing down biological aging.

C. Ongoing research in the field and the lack of a precise understanding of mechanisms

While strides have been made, a precise understanding of the mechanisms involved in slowing down biological aging is still an active area of research.

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Following Life’s Essential 8 Guidelines

A. Practical advice from Shannon Gillespie, PhD

  1. Checklist contains easy-to-understand, actionable goals
  2. Importance of tracking progress with healthcare teams or community resources
  3. Tailoring health and wellness approaches to individual needs
  4. Encouragement to seek assistance when needed


A. Recap of the Life’s Essential 8 checklist and its potential impact on biological aging

The “Life’s Essential 8” checklist emerges as a practical and accessible tool for individuals to potentially reduce their biological age.

B. Emphasis on the importance of collaboration with healthcare providers

Collaboration with healthcare providers is crucial for tailoring heart-healthy strategies to individual health needs, ensuring effective and personalized outcomes.

C. Encouragement to adopt heart-healthy habits for a longer, healthier life

In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of adopting heart-healthy habits as a proactive approach to potentially extend a healthy and vibrant life, reducing the impact of biological aging.

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