
Meet Rising San Fernando Valley Recording Artist JayCab



JayCab, a music artist, addicts people across the globe through his mesmerizing tunes. 


Creating and listening to music is a cathartic activity for people. It allows the artist to vent their struggles and their cheerful stories with the world in an entertaining manner. Music has often brought people back from the verge of a breakdown, depression, or crisis. It acts as a medium to reciprocate, and provoke the feelings that people often fail to express through actions or conversations.


JayCab is a passionate artist who thrives on the art of music and instruments. His first independent debut album, ‘Symphony Of The Introvert’, is the narration of the struggles that he went through while working on the album. The pressure was so much that he almost pulled the album from the release, but challenges helped him grow more resilient and fond of music. Finally, the album saw the light of the day and racked up praises all over the world. He has performed all over Los Angeles, and the target is to tour worldwide. JayCab is here to narrate the story of how he found his calling through the extravagant lyrics and catchy beats. 

Music Turned Into An Outlet

JayCab was an introvert who took a liking to being in the shadows. His reality was always different from others, submerged in his thoughts, and imagination.


When he was growing up, the introvert phase was engulfing him and cutting ties with the real world. He was in search of support to latch onto for help, and music was right there for him. JayCab found a voice to let out his pent-up emotions. In the beginning, he put out songs on Youtube, and this helped him muster courage after the first upload which took him to greater heights.

Never Losing Hope

JayCab is an optimist who likes to look on the brighter side of life. Even when he was bagging groceries, and doing jobs for a minimum salary, he always believed that these days are limited and the best is yet to come. He refused to be average and wanted to create something that leaves an impression in the minds of people.  


JayCab says, “You might have to sacrifice your sleep, comfort, time, money, and even relationships to reach your goal, but the end product is always worth it.”  He is currently working with music industry mogul Skyler Lexx and releasing my newest music video for my song titled “Waiting For Tomorrow” (releasing 8/7/21), do not forget to check it out, and tingle your brain with mind-boggling tunes.


The Eccentric Quality

JayCab positions himself as unique among other artists by making his music vulnerable and giving the audience a window into his life and the events. He is not afraid to disclose his trials and tribunals in the world. 

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