
Kem’Yah Adds His Authentic Flavour To The Music Industry



Kem’Yah, a music artist, sprinkles authenticity in his new album ‘Original’.


Kem’Yah is an emerging artist from Toronto, Canada. He is a person who overcame the fears of the mind and rose above the petty issues and struggles that act as roadblocks towards achieving the bigger things in life. His music inspires, motivates, and provides hope to the audience. Kem’Yah is sure that music is his destiny, and he can use it as a medium to invoke emotions that lead the people to pursue their dream and stop delaying success due to fears.


His new album ‘Original’ will be a message for the audience to shed off the mask that we put on to fit in the norms of society. He wants to inspire people to return to their original state and reclaim their soul, spirit, and mind. Authenticity is the root of ideas that make life great. If we want to create a legacy, we have to do it with the version that depicts our real character, and not the fabricated one.

Transformational Creative Journey

Kem’Yah is a shy person who didn’t want to be in the spotlight or show his face in front of millions of people. However, when destiny calls, no one can delay its course. His music is sensational and it deserves that spotlight.


He went about to look for an eccentric way to deliver his music without unveiling himself in the public. That is when he stumbled upon his ancient African culture where people wear a quirky mask and act as a vessel to deliver their messages to the world. Kem’Yah found this to be the perfect disguise. Hence, he decided that music will be his mask that will complement his spirit and character.

Purpose To Live & Cherish

Kem’Yah portrays his life as a muse for his music. The lessons that he learned while growing up, his aspirations, and dreams are hidden in the exuberant lyrics of his songs. He recognized that without music his purpose in life will be lost, so he decided to make it his aim to create stellar songs that people resonate with.


He loves that his job is doing his favorite thing with zeal and zest. He wants to inspire, provoke actions, and entertain people with his meticulously crafted lyrics and beats. His songs will be an example of how people can make their dreams come true through hard work and dedication.

Achievements & Upcoming Music

Kem’Yah released his first project in 2020, this album garnered over 200k streams on Spotify, and plastered his name with the most promising artists. He delivers powerful lessons through the songs, while also prompting people to move ahead and take the plunge for their success.

His new music focuses on stimulating the inner conscience and bringing back the true nature that has been suppressed for so long. He wants people to focus on their goals as that is the only thing that will help them advance in life. To know more about his upcoming project, visit his Instagram profile.



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