
Improve Your Rapping Game With Glizz



Glizz, a music artist, shares exclusive tips to swoon the audience with great rapping skills. 


Rapping is an art that requires resilience, patience, and the ability to sync lyrics at different paces based upon the chosen beat. It is not just a matter of harmonious journey but also verbal knowledge, and prowess in adding meaning to every line. The hip-hop and rap industry has been growing incessantly with new rappers emerging from every part of the world. What sets Glizz apart in this crowd is that he cannot be outworked. He is fully invested in himself and his rap career. Rapping can be hard to master, however once you dip your toe into this diverse genre, there is massive scope for growth.


Glizz is one such artist who started two years ago. He launched his first song out of curiosity. Without putting in much work, he got a lot of attention that made him realize that there is an untapped talent within himself. Following his first release that got 1,000 streams on Soundcloud, Glizz released the video “Packs In” which got 14k views and encouraged him to put his soul into creating stellar music. He shares his ingenious tips that have garnered success in his rapping career.

Practice On Diverse Beats

Rapping is a rhythm-based music genre. The more you try to synchronize your voice with the beats, the more it will improve. You can freestyle on different beats while creating various versions of the same rap verse. This helps establish a flow. Acapella is also a great way to practice the power of evoking emotions.


Glizz makes diverse songs. They have a long-lasting impact on the minds of the listeners. He has always been a leader, he had the vision to create something that surpasses his own expectations. He used his drive to make money, and inspire people to create songs that implore people to do better and chase their dreams.

Work On Being The Best Version

A person cannot achieve unprecedented success by being stagnant in the rapping industry, they need to take constant actions and work towards achieving a peak version of themselves. As a rapper, you need to keep writing, and expanding your vocabulary in extensive ways.


Glizz believes that the moment you stop working on yourself, you will already be behind in the race to the top. The prominent personalities of any industry are able to transform their dreams into reality because they believe in growth and evolution.

Find Your Personal Voice

Every music artist has a voice that resonates with their audience and gives the intended message through their meticulously created songs. To attain this voice, you need to keep practicing, and improving by performing a lot. Every concert or live show will help you find the voice where your specialty lies.


During the pandemic, Glizz used all his time to create music in the studio and polished his skills to create the best content that he ever has. His vision is to see his music graph moving with a constant upward push, and his songs to be loved by many. 

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