
Grow Up And Figure It Out With Your New Favorite Indie-Pop Artist, Lawn!



A power to behold, an artist who released three singles from her college dorm. All produced, written, composed, and sang by herself. Going ahead and releasing four other singles in the next two years. Growing her fanbase from zero to 3000 monthly listeners, within 18 months, without any external help and media coverage. This 24-year-old powerhouse, Lawn, is here to stay and make it big in the music industry.


The Nashville-based Indie-Pop artist is currently wooing the audiences with her latest single, “Grow Up and Figure it Out,” which reflects the influence of Avril Lavigne and Michelle Branch. Her previous single, “Handling It,” touched the audiences with its lyrical vulnerability and intense emotions, and established her as a phenomenon, a voice to be heard. 


Finding Her Way And Rediscovering Her Love For Music

Fresh out of college in Cleveland, Ohio, Lawn was suddenly faced with the passing of her mother. What entailed next was leaving the town in her mother’s car, with only her dog to keep her company. No money, no plan, she worked as a server to make ends meet, all the while living in the car. Her love for music got lost between coping with her mother’s loss and taking care of her 18-year-old brother. A rough six months of chasing a dead-end gig later, she went seeking a job at studios in Nashville. One studio hired her for a sales job, and it proved to be a turning point for her. At the designer studio, Lawn encountered a producer, who took her future four song EP and professionally mixed and mastered them for her, all the while being a mentor to her in the entire process. Since then, she has released four songs outside of her bedroom, heard her song being played professionally on a Cello and Violin, learned how to play the grand piano, and rediscovered her love for music.


“Try, Fail, Try again, Fail harder. But don’t stop trying. I’ve never met a good person who works hard not get everything they ever wanted.” Lawn swears by these words, her determination standing as a testimony to her belief.


Aim To Inspire

Laun strives to let it out to the masses that their stats do not, and will never predict their future. “My life has been an endless series of unfortunate events,” she explains, “getting arrested, growing up below our means, never having a Christmas, being raised by a single mom that died when I was barely 22 years old, a family who was and still is absent, getting wrapped up in the wrong things. My name on paper looked bleak. But I found my strength in those I’ve crossed paths with, my friends who’ve pulled me up from my knees when I was drowning, the strangers I’ve met while scraping money, the stories I’ve collected have all crafted the well rounded, loving 24-year old I am today. Be easy on yourself, don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to the different versions of who you used to be. Because I think 14-year-old you would think you’re pretty fucking awesome.”


Talking about her inspiration, she credits it to her harshest critic and her biggest supporter, her mom. Lawn’s mother was an award-winning writer for her novel Stone Cold Guilty, had a play off-broadway in NYC, had seen the world, and always taught her to trust herself and her skills. “I will always appreciate what sacrifices she made for me to do this. But since she felt like I was good enough, I felt like I was too.” 


Her Vision For The Future And Her Message To The Fans

While Lawn is thankful that her progress stayed substantial throughout the pandemic, she plans to continue honing her writing, recording, and creating post-pandemic. Another special vision she holds is to meet her small group of fans on her small tour.“ Hearing that my songs touched anyone’s soul in any way shape or form is my favorite thing about doing music. Just a single person, means the world to me.” 


Her fans and her appreciators mean the world to her, and to them she sends out this special message, “Work hard when you can, rest when you can’t. Be easy on yourself and your growth. You aren’t falling behind and you haven’t run out of time. Try not to take yourself so seriously, no one has a damn idea what they’re doing.”


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