
Convert Your Rejections To Motivation: Michelle Vega Realty



Learn from Michelle’s journey on how rejections could be motivating for you. 


The simple pattern that most people follow is that they give up when they are constantly rejected. They get into the loop of self-loathing and rejection. They fail to find positivity when the world tries to pull them down or challenge their capabilities. In this pattern, they always forget that the journey to success is not a sprint but a marathon. There will be obstacles but one needs to be headstrong to keep going. One such strong-minded personality is Michelle Vega who didn’t let her rejections get in the way of her success. 


The Story Of Rejections 

Michelle Vega is a realtor who has been successfully executing the plan of selling more than 300 houses in 2021. She and her team work with a strong vision of helping their clients achieve their goals – the dream of buying a house and creating generational wealth. Michelle started working at a very young age. She had interviewed for the position of sales representative when she was 18 years old. But considering her age and gender, she was turned down. Apparently, the interviewers were prejudiced that a young girl like her won’t be able to make huge financial decisions. After that, she worked as a manager for a collection company giving them the best sales of the year. Again, her young age and gender became a hindrance to her growth once again. She received constant rejections from corporate companies because of her age and gender. Despite knowing that she was capable of big things, she couldn’t help the situation. 


Michelle had two options then, She could have accepted those rejections as a standard protocol, or she could have changed her path. Michelle chose to do the latter.


She became self-employed and grew up with social media. As soon as she got licensed, she wanted to reach as many people as possible. Her vision was to lead by example and motivate people by sharing her journey. She started posting about her lifestyle without any filters. While people try to conceal their real lives on social media, Michelle believed that the biggest strategy for her growth was being real. She has persistence which helped her make her online business stand out and that’s why her clients love her. 


The persistent soul cherishes her job as it allows her to help people who have faced dismissals in their life. Her work allows her to help minorities accomplish what is assumed impossible for them. She is not a traditional realtor and she takes pride in that. She stays honest with her social media and doesn’t mind giving people a sneak peek into her real life. She posts every time she helps a new family acquire a property. She posts every time when she earns a new house. She believes in spreading hope amongst people that if she can do it, then anyone can. 


Michelle is an influential woman who has converted her rejections into a source of motivation, not only for herself but also for her customers and followers as well. To stay motivated with her posts, consider following her.


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