
Barry Szeto Responds To Toxic People Through His Latest Single – Sorry Who Is This



This Toronto-based artist is all set to defeat the toxicity brought to his life by toxic people. 


We all have met toxic people at some point in life but dealing with them and staying unaffected is the toughest part. Barry Szeto has found a perfect way out of this situation. This new cheeky and sassy song is about how he would respond to these toxic people. Anyone who had to let go of a friend, a partner, etc., can relate to this song. He is a well-known Canadian R&B artist who has performed all over Canada and opened up for Canadian superstars, Karl Wolf and Mia Martina.


The Inspiring Journey of Barry 

Barry Szeto strongly believes that the substantial amount of dedication he put into his craft, got him where he is today. His passion for music and singing began when he was 14 years old, performing in a local talent show. Afterward, he moved to Toronto, Ontario, where he started his professional music career. He made his first television debut on ‘Today’s Talent Time’, a Canadian talent contest, and finished as first runner-up. 


Every time Barry creates a piece he tries to make it his identity. This ability to connect with art makes his creations sensational. He lucidly brings his life’s vulnerable aspects in front of his fans and this is what makes him the center of attention. He is always on the quest to expand his creative mind through unique approaches to his musical stylings. 


Barry has been pursuing music since he was young. Just like other artists, he struggled to sustain and become the best in the industry. But more specifically, being a minority artist in North America was the toughest part of his journey. Therefore, he always had to put extra effort to make himself known and respected in this industry.


The Pandemic bought Barry some window of time to reflect on himself. He took the opportunity and didn’t leave a stone unturned to make himself a better version.


Barry’s Aspirations

When asked about his ambitions, Barry said, “I hope to inspire other artists with my music and my authentic sound and style. My goal is to show people it’s ALWAYS about the art, which is music for him. Fame and fortunes come and go. But your craft is what stays with you forever.”


His idea of art is totally unique. He performs to help & inspire others. He doesn’t consider other artist competitors. He believes that, “We, as artists and creators should always support each other and rather than seeing each other as competition, we celebrate each other’s unique artistries”.


The purity of his heart reflects in his new single “Sorry Who Is This”, where he has tried to show how one should react to all the toxic people in one’s life. 


Listen to his latest single “Sorry Who Is This” and shower your love on this sensational artist. 

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