Health & Wellness

Ali Farahaani, The Optimistic Performer Who Is Ready To Soar In The World



A performer is not born in a day, they strive and moil and endure a lot of hardships to become one of a kind. They practice day in and day out. Once the fruit of the toil reaps, it brings joy and success and if it is still green, it denotes that some work is pending to reach there. Performers should be patient, content, and consistent in what they do, which will help them to reach the goal of their aspiration.


Ali Farahaani is a 22 years-old fitness trainer, musician, actor, and dancer from Iran presently based in  Dubai. He became the youngest trainer at the LesMills classes at the age of 15 and got into the main fitness training team at the age of 18. He was the youngest member on stage to conduct the LesMills Fitness Events in Dubai twice. Concurrently he formed his team of trainers back in Tehran that ran the biggest fitness event in Iran, bringing in men and women both on-stage for the first time at any fitness event in Iran.


His Journey

Ali started his journey back in 2014 in Dubai at LesMills, a worldwide fitness company where he learned to train and expanded this back in Iran at various other gyms. Meanwhile, he kept coming to Dubai to upgrade his game and polish himself at what he has been doing, there he got promoted to the main regional training team until sanctions on Iran stopped him from working with LesMills in 2018. He was taken aback when one fine day he got a call from the office for termination of the contract, “it felt like my whole world shattered into pieces” he says.



Nevertheless, it didn’t stop him from thriving, he opened his Gym back in Iran a few months later and kept growing as an individual gym owner. He also conducted workshops at renowned universities on how to become instructors/ trainers at a young age. He also invests in well-established business properties.


In December 2019 he decided to start all over again, so he handed his gym ownership to his sister, and moved to Dubai to focus on his calling (work with LesMills). Due to the pandemic breakout, his work is at a halt, but he is striving hard towards making a difference. He strongly believes that he can become the voice of millions of people in the world and so bringing out the best version of himself by living his values can make it happen. He has a unique way of reaching out to the world. His optimistic and hard-working personality sets him apart from his peers and competitors. “Don’t ever compare yourself to anyone, your journey is like every other journey that’s individual and you are always on your right path”, Ali adds.



He is currently learning music and guitar. He has also given some whirls into acting and dancing. He aspires to be a singer, actor, and performer someday. He wants to run his podcast or TV show in the future to inspire many other youngsters who share the same aspiration as him.

To know more about Ali Farahaani, connect with him over Instagram,

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